You are a nessarry part of a long story. Your parents and granparents coud have helped you feel your place in the story when you were yet a young child. But a while back it seemed as if everyone forgot the story.So you grew up wondering about your value and worth. You have searched for a place where you can belong. Now, when you are older and it is harder, you must learn that your value is in being you and you belong here.
Learn from a flower. Many ages ago a seed became a flower. That flower produced seeds. The seeds grew into flowers. Each flower you look at today is part of a solid line of existence going back to the beginning of life. Each flower needs every flower and seed that has gone before it.
You are a flower and a seed. You are part of a story which began with the first cell of life. That story will continue on after you. The many things and people you have touched in your life will be influenced by you. The history of the world would not be the same if you had not been here. The small ripples you cause today may bring huge waves in ages to come.
It is wrong for you to go moping about. It is wastefull to be dissipating your energy on frivolous activities. It i sad for you to be grasping at tinsel and building flimsy nests.
You are a guardian of the seeds for the world to come. All that has gone before and all that is yet to come is within you. Through you passes humanity's saving fire. You are running in a relay.
This is the moment you have been chosen to hold the torch. You cannot refuse to run.Whatever you do is a part of your page in the story of life.
Be Yourself. That is who you are meant to be . You are a Note in a BeautifuLL Song!
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